Agricultural Marketing

Or-Sam Inc. took its first steps into the agricultural input marketing sector in 2009, always prioritizing reliability and transparency. Initially, we embarked on this journey by becoming regional distributors for international industry-leading companies, dealing in products such as plant nutrition, plant protection, seeds, and seedlings. Throughout this journey, we have grown with the unwavering support of our loyal customers and partners.

Or-Sam Inc. doesn't just value success as a company but also places great importance on honesty and a people-centric approach. We pay close attention to the needs of our farmers and partners, striving to assist them in every way possible.


Agriculture For You, Passion For Us

We don't consider ourselves merely a business; we also operate with a sense of social responsibility. With the future of agriculture in mind, we focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices. We remain committed to contributing to the greener and more sustainable growth of the agriculture

Or-Sam Inc., as a reliable representative in the field of agricultural input marketing, has made it our mission to contribute to the sustainable growth of the agriculture sector. We view the power and future of agriculture not only as a business but also as a commitment toward a better future for communities and the world. Or-Sam Inc. is the guarantee of a tomorrow filled with trust and optimism.